Kamis, 11 Juli 2013

How to earn some money for teenager

You ever want to get some money? Here some solution

  • do part time job
  • be a private teacher, you can be academic teacher such as english teacher, geometry teacher, or else. or you can be an art teacher such as music teacher
  • baby sitting 
  • help out your parent (not promising if there's no deal before)
  • participating on a competition 
  • help your friend
  • make online games id, play it well, sell it
  • make some creative things that you can sell like keychain, doll, etc.
  • do your friends homework 
  • make a new invention (if you're a genius)
  • open a request for something you good at. ex : you can draw your friends a fanart if you good at drawing.
  • sell some homemade some cookies (they're easy to made!)
  • do something with old paper, use it for scrapbook 
well that's what can I think for now to get a money :l 

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